
Love Addiction Recovery

Love Addiction is the pattern of being drawn into toxic or painful relationships with emotionally unavailable partners.

These relationships usually involve obsessive time, attention, and value given to the other person. They are often either brief, intense relationships or longer relationships that tend to have many extreme ups and downs.

Signs of Love Addiction

  • You tend to become consumed and obsessed with a partner or potential mate

  • You equate love and relationships with self-esteem and self-worth

  • When involved in a love relationship, you spend less time with family and friends

  • You become enmeshed or co-dependent quickly

  • You experience “fireworks” at first, but then feel your relationship lacks true intimacy

  • You confuse sex with love, and offer sex with the hope of receiving love



Love addiction is deeply rooted in a constant need for attention, validation, nurturing and connection. Comprehensive treatment is essential for recovery. Therapy involves first stopping compulsive behaviors and detoxing the brain from fantasy, and then attending to underlying emotional wounds that have led you to cope in this way. You will learn how to experience authentic intimacy and stay connected to yourself in relationship.


More Resources


Trauma Therapy

Trauma can result from stressful exposure to any type of single event or repetitive situation that leaves us feeling stuck with painful feelings and negative beliefs

Women’s Intimacy Bootcamp

This group will cultivate an understanding and empowering environment as individuals identify their boundaries, reduce shame, and generate self-care techniques.

Women’s Connection and Growth Group

A place for women to engage, connect, and process emotions, beliefs, and experiences that can keep us feeling stuck when held alone.